Welcome to Live to Move Physical Therapy & Wellness! We’re happy you chose us for your care.
Do I need a referral/prescription to see a physical therapist?
The state of Texas allows for a person to receive physical therapy treatment for 10 consecutive business days without the need for a physician’s referral. If subsequent treatment is necessary, a prescription is required to continue physical therapy treatment after 10 consecutive business days.
Will my insurance cover physical therapy?
By the time of your first appointment we will inform you of what your payment will be, and whether or not you have reached your deductible. If you need more information, the you’ll need to contact your insurance company. Every plan is different regarding coverage, co-pays, deductibles, etc. It is recommended that you contact your insurance company with questions regarding what portion of the cost of physical therapy you are expected to pay out-of-pocket, if any. There is usually a benefits number on the back of your insurance card you may call to inquire about your physical therapy benefits.
How long will I need physical therapy?
Everyone responds differently to physical therapy depending on their physical condition and/or injury. Treatment may consist of a few visits over a couple of weeks to multiple visits spread over many weeks or months. Based on the results of your initial evaluation, your therapist will determine a plan of care, including the frequency and duration of visits. As your therapy continues, your progress against established goals is regularly re-evaluated and, if needed, your treatment plan is modified.
When should I start seeing improvements?
Every individual improves at their own pace depending on their diagnosis, physical condition and compliance with the treatment plan, including assigned exercises to be done at home. Some may see improvements within a couple of visits while others may require longer periods of time before improvements are noticeable. If you feel like you are not progressing as quickly as you would like, please talk with your therapist.
Will I see the same physical therapist every visit?
Our goal is for you to see the same therapist for each of your physical therapy visits. Likewise, if you would like to see a different therapist than the one who performed your initial evaluation, we will do our best to accommodate your request. If for some reason we need you to work with a different therapist, we will make sure the details of your treatment plan and any additional information of importance is communicated with the therapist who will oversee your session.
Do you communicate with my referring physician?
Your therapist will send your referring physician the results of your initial evaluation along with a physical therapy treatment plan. Subsequent re-evaluations are also sent to your referring physician. If you have a surgical follow-up with your physician, it is common to send to your physician updated specific measurements. If at any time during your course of treatment your therapist has questions or concerns, they will keep your physician updated.
What if I need to cancel or change an appointment?
We understand that it may be necessary to change or cancel appointments from time-to-time. Please call us at 281-213-0642 as soon as you are aware of the need to change or cancel your appointment. Doing so allows us to provide help in a timely fashion to other patients in need.
What is wellness yoga and how is it different than regular yoga?
All classes are based on the universal principles of yoga practice and are suitable for those with or without physical limitations. What makes this class wellness is the ability for those with physical limitations to effectively participate in the class with modifications provided by the instructor.
Wellness yoga is also good for those wanting to continue the momentum they gained through their physical therapy course of treatment.
What if I don't need physical therapy, but want to get into shape and lose weight?
Live to Move Physical Therapy & Wellness is right for you! Molly and James Poenitzsch, who are both Doctors of Physical Therapy, lead individual and group classes in strength and conditioning, personal training, therapeutic yoga, and nutritional counseling for weight loss and a healthy lifestyle.
May I bring someone with me to my appointment?
Absolutely! For the safety of all, we ask that young children be left at home and guests who do accompany you should remain in the waiting area during your appointment.
Is the clinic wheelchair accessible?
Yes, the clinic is wheelchair accessible, and there are two handicap accessible parking spots directly in front of the entry to the Live to Move Physical Therapy & Wellness office.
How is physical therapy helpful?
Physcial therapy can help to reduce pain, improve mobility, avoid surgery, recover from injury, improve balance to reduce the risk of falls, increase strength to make hard tasks easier, and there are many more ways physical therapy can help you. Here is a link to more detail on the subject. Call to find out how we can help you specifically!